Exchanges Archive Template 9


資格限制:此優惠僅適用於新註冊會員,且必須在活動期間內參加。 獎金要求:首存獎金需滿足最低存款金額500元,並且需在活動結束後7天內使用。 投注要求:獲得的獎金需滿足5倍的投注要求後方可提現。 活動時間:優惠活動自即日起至本月最後一天有效,逾期不再受理。 更改及終止:王者娛樂城保留隨時更改或終止優惠活動的權利,恕不另行通知。
新人禮遇:首次充值高達100%匹配紅利每日回饋:登入即贈免費彩金,連續登入還可額外抽大獎! 體育專屬優惠:享每週20%現金返利,每週最高可達2888港幣VIP專屬好禮:晉升VIP可享額外獎金與真人荷官專屬服務!
公平遊戲原則:平台所有遊戲均使用經認證的隨機數生成技術,保證100%公平及公正性。 會員安全保障:所有個人資料與交易記錄經高標準加密處理,僅用於合法目的,無第三方干擾。 賬戶資訊限制:每位玩家僅限建立一個會員賬戶,重複申請將導致賬戶凍結與紅利失效。 流水要求:任何彩金均需完成相應流水要求方可提款,未滿流水不可提現。
Cryptocurrencies Available for Trade
Get up to $50 in BTC free!
The exchange provides you with a platform that matches your trades with open orders from other users of our services at your direction. Users are not able to predetermine a trade with a particular user or with a particular account. Additionally, an order may be partially filled or may be filled by multiple matching orders.
Cryptocurrencies Available for Trade
0.00% to 0.90%
Transaction Fees
The exchange provides you with a platform that matches your trades with open orders from other users of our services at your direction. Users are not able to predetermine a trade with a particular user or with a particular account. Additionally, an order may be partially filled or may be filled by multiple matching orders.
Cryptocurrencies Available for Trade
0.05% to 0.30%
Transaction Fees
The exchange provides you with a platform that matches your trades with open orders from other users of our services at your direction. Users are not able to predetermine a trade with a particular user or with a particular account. Additionally, an order may be partially filled or may be filled by multiple matching orders.
Cryptocurrencies Available for Trade
Get $20 in-kind if you deposit $1,000
The exchange provides you with a platform that matches your trades with open orders from other users of our services at your direction. Users are not able to predetermine a trade with a particular user or with a particular account. Additionally, an order may be partially filled or may be filled by multiple matching orders.
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